Josh and I have been talking about starting a blog now that Gabriel is a part of our family. So here we go, this is my first attempt at this so bear with me for a while! I will try to update it as often as I can. Christmas for us was fun and relaxing with the Ingersoll side of the family. We enjoyed a day of movies, friends, and family. We missed the Bonnell side, but we will be seeing them very soon!

Gabriel will be six months old on January 13th and I can't believe how fast he is growing and changing! Josh weighed him yesterday and he came in a 16 pounds. He has now doubled his birthweight of 7lbs 15oz. He "talks" to us all the time and enjoys his "tummy time". He is very good at rolling over now and is working on sitting up all on his own. If we set him up, he will stay for a little while, but is still a bit wobbly. He is very good at push-ups and everytime he gets to his hands and knees I am reminded that my life will be changing soon! Right now it is very convenient to let him play on the floor, but I know that I'll have a lot of chasing to do once he's moble. We are enjoying every minute of being parents. It is a wonderful responsibility we have been given.
This is our introduction. I'll post more when I get a chance!